Motorcycle Tips & Techniques

Motorcycle Safety/Dynamics

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James R. Davis

Motorcycle Safety Consultant and Lecturer

10402 Sandpiper Dr. #273
Houston, Texas 77096
(713) 729-3395

Summary of Experience and Expertise

With more than 44 years of motorcycle riding experience, I have managed to accumulate well in excess of 500,000 miles of on-the-road motorcycle travel without a single accident, and without a single ticket in the process. This record demonstrates a keen awareness and respect for the risks inherent in motorcycle riding and the fundamental requirement to understand both the physical and sociological dynamics involved in the sport.

Wishing to share my insights and lessons learned as broadly as possible, I became a certified Motorcycle Safety Foundation Instructor for the MSF as well as began writing motorcycle safety articles for local and national motorcycle organizations throughout the United States. I constructed a web site (Motorcycle Tips & Techniques – thirteen years ago and published more than 230 safety articles on it that have been read by more than 3,000,000 visitors. My articles have been reproduced in publications all over the world and have been read by an estimated 6,000,000 motorcyclists. I have worked with the Motorcycle (Motors) Division of various police departments in the United States helping them understand the significance of, and how to capture and record, on-scene skid mark and collision evidence. I make motorcycle lecture appearances at various motorcycle organizations throughout the year that emphasize accident avoidance techniques as well as injury minimization strategies. NOTE: in no case do my writings or expert opinions represent those of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. My articles and opinions are entirely my own and derive from my own research and personal experience, not the teachings of the MSF

Credible, articulate and professional demeanor with executive level background:

Motorcycle Safety Credentials

Motorcycle Dynamics Competence

A plea for your help