Motorcycle Tips & Techniques

Motorcycle Safety/Dynamics

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Safety Tip Articles: 037 thru 072

     Safety Tips

No.Tip NameTeaser
037Higher-Octane Gasoline ...Is Cheaper Than A Top-End Job
038Doing 1,000 Miles In 24 HoursA self-correcting problem?
039Handling CurvesA better line
040ParkingSkills and considerations
041Do You Really Know ...What's Dangerous About Riding In Fog? (Who'da thunk?)
042Synthetic OilsAlmost always better than petroleum based
043Using Teflon® AdditivesNot very smart
044Trailer Hitch FundamentalsConnect those chains properly
045What If You Drag A Peg?If you react instinctively you probably won't recover
046Overnight ParkingSide-stand or center-stand? Cover it or not?
047Electrical SystemsCommon sense advice
048Counter-steeringNot the least bit as simple as it feels
049First Things FirstA life DOES depend on it
050To Ride Or Not To Ride?That crisis of confidence moment
051Three-Wheeled VehiclesA few sobering realities
052Side-standsWhat could possibly be said about these?
053Some People Should Not Be Riding MotorcyclesA curmudgeon's point of view
054Providing Motorcycle Support ServicesLiabilities, liabilities, liabilities
055How To Handle A FallAssuming it's inevitable
056Most Fatal Accidents Are NOT ..."I Didn't See Him" problems despite what you have heard
057Group Riding - Roles and FormOur way
058How To Ride Over That Thing In The RoadAnd survive the encounter
05918-WheelersOften make 'good riding buddies'
060'Under-steering'Not the same as 'slow-steering'
061Gassing Up?Get OFF!
062Group Riding - Size mattersRubber Band Effect
063Accident ManagementHelp your fellow riders by thinking ahead, being prepared
064BrakesTheir Real Job is NOT to Stop - it is to SLOW the bike
065Decreasing Radius TurnsMay not have a decreasing radius
066SteeringYour REAR wheel does it more often than not
067Delta-VAffects all motorcycles, not just 'crotch rockets'
068Doggone ItHow to handle charging animals
069Target FixationRather than let it lead you into trouble, use it
070ElbowsYour biological shock absorbers
071Lower BackA couple of ways to protect it
072Joining A GroupNever while it is moving
A plea for your help