Motorcycle Tips & Techniques

Motorcycle Safety/Dynamics

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Safety Tip Articles: 181 thru 216

     Safety Tips

No.Tip NameTeaser
181Preemptive LearningLearning before you need to is the key to behaving properly in a crisis
182Fear Can Kill YouTurn it into RESPECT
183Why Counter-steering Begins At ...About 6 MPH
184Group Ride Lane ChangesOrchestrate for greater safety
185Bungee Cords And Stretch NetsAre DANGEROUS!
186The Third GyroscopeAdds stability
187TrailThe righting effect
188Motorcycle DynamicsLike physics, it's a balancing act
189Counter-steering Is Only Half ...Of The Story
190Tank-slappersHarmonics at work
191REACTING!Will save your life
192Rear Tire 'Chirp'When hard braking or downshifting
193CPRMust you do it?
194Parking Lot PracticeUsing target fixation
195Centrifugal ForceCauses counter-steering, not gyroscopics
196Counter-steeringAn exercise in feedback management
197Adding A PassengerAfter 6 months of experience you are still NOT ready
198Listen To That Inner VoiceSome call it 'intuition'
199Cornering In The RainTraction and hydroplaning
200Panic SwervesA very poor 'Choice'
201Filing A 'Flight Plan'Very savvy self-defense
202Intersection TurnsONE LANE AT A TIME!
203Leaning And Turning Are NOT EquivalentPush right - GO Right
204Riding In Wet WeatherSome lessons learned
205Paying Attention Is NOT Being Alert/AwareIt is deadly, at the wrong time
206Riding Your Own Ride(Playing the odds)
207Weight and MassThey are NOT the same thing!
208Skill DevelopmentMake it fun
209If YouCan Do A Stoppie ...You CANNOT stop as quickly as others
210Highway Group Riding 'Rules'Never trump safety
211Keeping Your Rear Wheel On The GroundIs hard to do
212Rider Education DEATHS On The RiseTwo easy 'fixes'
213Emergency Braking Practice Speed30 MPH is as realistic as is 60 MPH
214How To Save It If You Do A StoppieEASE OFF YOUR BRAKE!
215CB Or Helmet-To-Helmet Intercom?Safety perspective
216Downshifting During Emergency BrakingMSF teaches an unsafe practice
A plea for your help