Motorcycle Tips & Techniques

Motorcycle Safety/Dynamics

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Safety Tip Articles: 109 thru 144

     Safety Tips

No.Tip NameTeaser
109Road ConstructionThe pavement ends
110Practice, Practice, Practice'Skill' is often no more than CONFIDENCE
111Drowsy DriversAre less risky on city streets than on country roads
112New TiresNEED to GROW befroe you stress them
113Learning To RideSqueezing both levers gets you out of trouble
114Right And Left TurnsDifferent risks, different realities
115Covering Those Control LeversA function of speed, not style
116Motorcycle Goes Where You're LookingMagic? Undiscovered law of physics? Does it really work?
117Before You DismountSix things to do
118Panic SituationsTalking to yourself can keep you alive
119Road (Street) RacingTesting too many limits
120Headaches And Other PainGetting rid of them can prove fatal!
121Tire AdditivesMiracle products or trouble waiting to happen?
122Spokes May Look Good But ...(Tubeless vs. Tube-type tires)
123The Odd Duck In The Group ...Is Still Part Of The Family
124Fewer Daylight HoursDon't go down with the sun
125Heavier Bike vs. Stopping DistanceYou should know this before driving down the mountain
126Highway Boards (Pegs)Should be standard equipment
127Gas Tank LocksSubtle safety feature
128Braking In A Curve(Of course you can)
129Dress For The Fall, Not The Ride(Comfort is just as important)
130Demo RidesCan you admit your limits?
131Your Bike Is DownStay with it!
132Support Your WristTo protect your thumb (and clutch)
133Becoming An MSF Instructor/RiderCoachIs NOT a status thing
134Yellow Is Red Or Green(I'd rather be red than dead)
135Passing Without Lane Change10 MPH can kill you
136Failing The MSF ClassCould save your life
137Cigarette LighterAs accessory that makes sense for all
138Add $2 When You Change A TireAnd do it right
139An Ugly Fact You May Have To Deal WithEyes pop out
140CrosswindsHow to deal with them
141Parents And Significant OthersThe great intimidators
142Standing On The PegsDoes NOT lower the Center of Gravity of the bike
143Truck Related Tips For Highway RidingOvertaking and Trucker-Tailgating
144Selecting That HelmetFullface fit and usage
A plea for your help